
working at night...

Trying to sleep last night started out a little restless for me (lots of "work" things on my mind). The moon was full, like a giant flash-light illuminating the normally dark grove of trees, that our home is settled in. The crickets outside my open window, I deemed, were making my fitful rest worse. And then the coyotes down the street starting their occasional "racket" of yelping over some exciting find in the night. I thought "man, I'm never getting to sleep".

Something clicked in my brain. I'm lucky to be sleeping in such a peaceful spot. The sounds of nocturnal life around here do not consist of honking horns, sirens, helicopters or gun-fire. Outside my window at night, it's the hum of mother nature, at work. A cool breeze kicked in through the window and I drifted off to sleep.

Then... in the ponderosa pine, next to my window, a big ol' hoot owl started his shift.

| Tagged: #hello