...and that's how healthcare works...
"that truck needs faster tires" -- denise's comment about a sloooow moving pickup on the highway today.
my kids were doing
before college...
What does "s/b" mean in "texting"... and more importantly when did "texting" become a language?
...Creek Fire to the north-east
...live forever
You fathers and you mothers Be good to one another Please try to raise your children right Don't let the darkness take 'em Don't make 'em feel forsaken Just lead them safely to the light
could someone please text or call Mr. Žižek...
...and just say "hi" or something.
So with the latest snow fall in the Sierra...
unite under the banner of vindication (must share with spouse!). According to the Atlantic, we are part of the disruptive technology that helped bring about the internet as it is today. read on... or just change the channel.
ping... just starting out on a new platform!
...Turkeys have been trotting through the neighborhood. Not as bad as the feral trains in Merced.
Holiday Tree decorating idea #22
this is a visual proof for this
venn diagram.
"coffee tastes better when you don't have to go to work" -- denise
Trying to sleep last night started out a little restless for me (lots of "work" things on my mind). The moon was full, like a giant flash-light illuminating the normally dark grove of trees, that our home is settled in. The crickets outside my open window, I deemed, were making my fitful rest worse. And then the coyotes down the street starting their occasional "racket" of yelping over some exciting find in the night. I thought "man, I'm never getting to sleep".
Something clicked in my brain. I'm lucky to be sleeping in such a peaceful spot. The sounds of nocturnal life around here do not consist of honking horns, sirens, helicopters or gun-fire. Outside my window at night, it's the hum of mother nature, at work. A cool breeze kicked in through the window and I drifted off to sleep.
Then... in the ponderosa pine, next to my window, a big ol' hoot owl started his shift.
Bandwidth is the "new" hot water... not enough left over once I logon after the kids.
Denise says
"I was cutting the beans this am..."
Denise means
"I was grinding some fresh coffee beans this am..."
"Hindsight really is 2020" -- denise
"My ipodcast app was off my phone this am and I just listened last night. And my keyboard was missing from my iPad this morning. Got it all fixed but... these updates must be written by Penn and Teller." -- denise
... friend says
"I am related to the very first Game Warden in Idaho"
... denise hears
"I am related to the very first gay Mormon in Idaho"