
waiting for html5...

In the realm of open streaming music from the browser, things are finally starting to turn the corner from flash :) The close of 2013, saw several new sites come online, casting off their adobe bricks.

The leader board has to be SoundCloud (becoming the global street corner of all things audio).

A long time favorite of us fogies, Radio Paradise has seen the light (irony: ignore the flash req if you get one). Rdio retooled and allows you to enjoy full albums (freemium). Grooveshark has been retooling and have made streaming even more convenient than before. Up and comer Stereodose jumps in the deep end with, well, just check it out. One final mention of course, the /tunes ...a work in progress.

Still on the "ain't that a shame" list are: Spotify and Pandora (who has a great matching algorithm).

I think the real catalyst is the drive to mobile for these services, but I enjoy streaming old-school style from the browser. Wait, when did that happen?

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