
In remembrance of Velma Faulkner...

This page is for any memories and thoughts of Mom that family/friends might want to share. I’m happy to add anything as we march along (your thoughts, images or links). Just email me if there is anything you would like to add.

  • born November 23, 1926 Long Beach, California
  • died Janurary 17, 2017 Oakhurst, California

Early On...

Hang on Bud, it's gonna get bumpy...

Bud and Velma



More Photos...

...Velma's Memorial
...Remembering Velma


Things Matthew learned...

...Velma never got lost

Countless road trips with her would result in the car becoming hopelessly lost. She had an innate ability to not follow directions. Sometimes reading directions written in her own hand-writing were not decipherable, even by her. She’d pull the car over, “Give me that...” grabbing the envelope which she’d written the instructions on the back, from the hands of hapless victim she'd designated "navigator". You knew the result was not going to be good, because she would have to rotate the envelope a couple turns, just trying to figure the top from bottom, “Well..” she said, “…that’s either a left or right… and that there means Freeway. Is there a freeway here?” as a tumbleweed blew across the lonely highway.

However, she always said a healthy perspective on circumstance was important, because we were never lost… “We’re not lost honey, we are just on an adventure”. She so oft repeated this, and I finally came to understand her “higher meaning”. We need to be open to life’s adventures and to embrace the new life experience that are headed our way. So remember, we are never lost.

...Speaking of Mom’s notes and letters

Mom’s hand-writing was not the most readable. Usually one felt like you were trying to interpret a seismograph print-out instructing you to either pick up some milk on the way home or drop the cat off at the cleaners.

...Avoid conventionality

“Never feel you have to conform”, said this remarkable 88 year old woman to me, while enjoying her beautiful flower garden from the back deck of her home, with a glass of scotch in her one hand and a cigar in the other.

...People who say 'No'

Mom always said that when you needed someone's help, especially battling bureaucracies, and you didn't like their answer/response, then you were just talking to the wrong person.

"...remember, we're not lost... we're on an adventure."